Host Nation Update, Sept. 22, 2022
Complete closure of A 81 between Böblingen and Sindelfingen
As part of the A 81 expansion to six lanes, the railroad bridge between Böblingen and Sindelfingen will also be renewed. This will require a further closure of the A 81 in both directions between the Sindelfingen-Ost and Böblingen/Sindelfingen junctions on Friday, September 23 from 10 p.m. until Sunday, September 25 until 9 am.
See full Citizen post: A81 closed through BB/Sindelfingen this weekend

Rock work on the A8 – Drackensteiner Hang will be closed again
Between the Merklingen and Mühlhausen junctions, the Autobahn towards Stuttgart will be completely closed again on Saturday and Sunday, September 24 and 25, from about 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. each day. The Autobahn towards Munich – is not affected. The closure is necessary due to connecting work for rock stabilization on the Drackenstein slope – more precisely, due to clearing work. The Autobahn company had already informed residents with flyers during previous closures and had already set up mobile warning signs on the A8 and A7 before the Elchingen Autobahn junction, recommending a wide-area detour via the A7 and A6. Likewise, in the city of Ulm, there was a detour recommendation from the Ulm-West junction via the B10 and the B 313. (Stgt Nachrichten, Sep 21)
Cannstatt Volksfest “Folk Festival” 2022 – The most important dates at a glance (Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Sep 22)
After two years of pandemic break, the Cannstatter Volksfest takes place for the 175th time this year. Compared to the spring festival, the tents are now allowed to open their doors again in the fall. For three weeks, the event area at Neckarpark is transformed into a huge fairground. A summary of the most important events and information:
Opening ceremony with tapping of the Keg
On Friday, September 23, the Volksfest traditionally starts with the tapping of the keg – this year for the first time with Lord Mayor Frank Nopper. From 3:30 p.m., the celebration begins in the “Klauss & Klauss Dinkelacker Festzelt”.
Church services
Punctually at 10 a.m. on Sunday, September 25, the Swabian dialect service will take place in the Schwabenbräu tent. The motto of the service: “Kommet tapfer, i komm au” (come all you people to attend, I’ll be there, as well)”.
Together with the the Circus and Showman Chaplaincy invites you to the ecumenical church service on Tuesday, October 4 at 10:30 am.
“Spardägle” (money savings day) on the Wasen
On Monday, September 26, starting at 12 o’clock, all those taking public transportation and with a “VVS ticket” on hand will receive discounts at all carnies upon presentation of a valid ticket. In addition, at the “Klauss & Klauss” Beertent, all guests of the Stuttgart public transport system can enjoy the VVS-Mittagwasen with cheap Göckele and free coffee. The offer is valid from Monday to Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., except on October 3.
Family Day on Wednesdays
Every Wednesday, both on September 28 and October 5, the popular family days take place. All day long, savings can be made with fest activities, innkeepers and even parking. In addition, there are numerous surprises for the little ones.
Music + fireworks
Over ten minutes of fireworks will take place in the finale of the Volksfest on Sunday, October 9, starting at 9:30 pm.
Arrival and parking
Due to large crowds, it’s recommended to arrive by public transport, not only on VVS day. Because of the few parking spaces available, Park & Ride parking lots are a good option, you can find an overview here. There are also handicapped parking spaces with ground level access right next to the festival area.
Opening hours
The Cannstatter Volksfest takes place from September 23 to October 9.
The opening hours are:
- Monday to Thursday 12 to 11 p.m.
- Friday 12 p.m. to midnight
- Saturday 11 a.m. to midnight
- Sunday 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Special opening hours:
- Friday September 23, 3pm to midnight
- Sunday October 2, 12 p.m. to midnight.
- Monday 3 October, 11 a.m to 11 p.m.
Police want to increase controls at the Wasen
When the Cannstatt Folk Festival opens this Friday, the police are expecting a lot of hustle and bustle. Around 3.5 million visitors are expected at the Wasen in Stuttgart from next weekend. Uniformed and civilian patrols will be on the festival grounds, keeping an eye on the young crowd in particular and warning them not to drink too much alcohol. Because with too much alcohol, also the violent readiness increases. In addition, the police pay attention to the abuse and falsification of identity papers.
But also around the festival there will be increased controls: be aware that officers would carry out more alcohol traffic controls. The police advise using designated drivers, public transport or cabs. (Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Sep 22)