Host Nation Update, April 28, 2023
U.S. military in the Stuttgart region – Kretschmann pleased with U.S. military presence in the Baden Württemberg region
Minister President Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) has emphasized the importance of the U.S. soldiers stationed in Baden-Württemberg for Germany’s security. “The war on our doorstep has reminded us once again how grateful we can be for having military allies like the U.S.,” Kretschmann told our newspaper, referring to Russia’s war against Ukraine. U.S. soldiers stationed in Germany represent “the backbone of the U.S. presence in Europe and NATO’s ability to act,” Kretschmann added. “Where we can support our allies and contribute to defense capabilities, we do so with great confidence and conviction.”
Also of great economic importance
The state capital is the only city in the world to host two U.S. regional commands, EUCOM, the European Command, and AFRICOM, which is responsible for Africa. The U.S. garrison in the Stuttgart region includes five locations with currently more than 28,000 people. This includes civilian employees, contractors and more than 4,000 soldiers and their families.
The U.S. Garrison Commander in Stuttgart emphasized the great economic importance of the U.S. presence in the region. “In fiscal year 2022, our investments amounted to more than 157 million euros. That’s nearly 67 million euros, or more than 70 percent, more than the same period in 2021,”. Col. Matthew Ziglar. This included 70 million euros for infrastructure projects and building repairs, much of which would benefit the local economy. Ziglar held out the prospect of further investment to modernize U.S. installations. (Stuttgarter Nachrichten, April 27)
Rail line between Böblingen and Stuttgart closed
On the upcoming long weekend over May 1, the railroad cuts the rail connection between Böblingen and Stuttgart-Vaihingen. According to the railroad admin office, work on the line scheduled at short notice due to the digitization of the Stuttgart rail junction is responsible for the closure.
Difficult access to the Wasen and the stadium
From 2:45 a.m. Saturday night until 2:45 a.m. Tuesday morning, neither commuter trains nor regional and long-distance traffic will operate on this route. The railroad offers a replacement service with buses. Not only the excursionists over the May 1 weekend are affected, also the visitors of the spring festival on the Cannstatter Wasen have to be prepared for a journey with obstacles, as well as the VfB fans who want to watch the home game of the kickers on Saturday in the stadium. The work on the track will last a total of ten days. The route will therefore also be closed from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. each night from May 2 to 9.
The S1, regional and long-distance services will be affected.
During this time, the S 1 commuter trains will run at 30-minute intervals only in the sections between Kirchheim and Stuttgart-Vaihingen and between Böblingen and Herrenberg. From April 29, 0:45 a.m., to May 2, 2:45 a.m., the S 1 line will depart from Herrenberg at the deviating minute -01 and minute -31. Buses will run between Stuttgart-Vaihingen and Böblingen. According to the railroad, the replacement buses will not stop in Stuttgart-Rohr. Passengers starting in Stuttgart-Rohr and traveling to Herrenberg will have to take the S-Bahn lines S 2/S 3 or the transport services of the SSB to Vaihingen, where they will have to change to the replacement bus service in the direction of Böblingen. Passengers between Filderstadt and Herrenberg travel via Stuttgart-Vaihingen and change there between S-Bahn trains and replacement buses.
The majority of trains on regional services between Stuttgart-Konstanz, Stuttgart-Rottweil and Stuttgart-Freudenstadt will be cancelled between Stuttgart main station and Böblingen from April 29 to May 1. Several IC trains between Stuttgart main station and Böblingen/Herrenberg/Horb/Singen will also not be running. Due to detour, some IC trains will depart Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof up to 30 minutes earlier or arrive in Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof up to 30 minutes later. (Stuttgarter Nachrichten, April 27)
From May 1, the overall motto is to “Cycle to work”.
Campaign by German Health insurance AOK and ADFC runs until August 31.
Stuttgart/Sindelfingen. Good for your health, the environment and your wallet. With the arrival of spring at the latest, bicycle fans and commuters get their bikes ready for the new season. Starting on May 1, the AOK and ADFC will once again be running the popular “Cycle to Work” campaign. Whether in a team or alone: Anyone who cycles to work on at least 20 days between now and the end of August is doing something for their health and also protecting the climate.
More and more people prefer their bicycles as a means of transportation. Throughout Germany, they cover eleven percent of all journeys with it. In addition to being fun, riding a bike properly also has a positive impact on health. “Cyclists feel healthier, have more energy and less stress than those who don’t get on their bikes,” explains Dietrich Duncker, a certified sports educator at the AOK Stuttgart-Böblingen district office.
A study by the University of Zurich proves him right, because: “Cycling not only minimizes stress, but can of course also reduce calories. The rule of thumb is: In 30 minutes, up to 250 kilocalories can be burned at a speed of around 20 km/h. Who steps into the pedals, spares in addition its joints and profits for example from a stabilization of the cardiovascular and the immune system. With the “Cycle to Work” campaign, the AOK would like to support its insured members in actively pedaling again this year. The campaign by the AOK and the ADFC runs from May 1 to August 31. Anyone who cycles to work on at least 20 days during this period can win prizes. Participants can decide whether they cycle alone or in a team. You can register on the website at
“mit-dem-rad-zur-arbeit.de “
Here you can find all the information about the campaign. Last year, participants in the AOK “Bike to Work” campaign in the Stuttgart-Böblingen region cycled 252,805 kilometers, saved the climate more than 41,000 kilograms of CO2 and burned almost 6 million kilocalories. The kilometers cycled would be enough to circle the earth six times.(BB.heute.de, April 27)
Colyn Heinze will Be the new District Mayor for Stuttgart-Degerloch
Colyn Heinze will be steering the fortunes of the Degerloch district in the future. The 27-year-old was previously deputy district leader at Stuttgart Vaihingen, and a board member of Club Kollektiv Stuttgart. The casual streetwear, in which he is usually found, he has exchanged today for a shirt and jacket: with 46 of 58 votes, the Stuttgart City Council elected Colyn Heinze (SPD) as the new Degerloch district leader in its meeting on Thursday afternoon. “This is a very convincing majority,” said Mayor Frank Nopper after the results were announced. Colyn Heinze is no stranger to Stuttgart. For the past three and a half years, he has been the deputy district leader in Vaihingen. Among other things, he is involved on a voluntary basis in Club Kollektiv, an association of clubs and event organizers in the city and region of Stuttgart. He was also a member of the board for a time. In this function, Heinze was instrumental in getting the city of Stuttgart to have a night mayor – ultimately this became two night managers, who officially deal with the facets of nightlife. In the corona pandemic, Heinze also played a role in ensuring that Stuttgart’s clubs, which had been hit particularly hard by the lockdown. (Stuttgarter Nachrichten, April 28)