Host Nation Update, April 27, 2023
Agreement: Deutschlandticket also valid on IC trains on the Gaeubahn
The agreement means that a special rule applies to long-distance trains between Stuttgart and Singen. Normally, long-distance trains such as ICs or ICEs are excluded from the Deutschlandticket. But with the agreement, according to Deutsche Bahn, journeys from Stuttgart in the direction of Lake Constance will be possible from May 1 at no extra charge and at hourly intervals.
Traveling on the IC allowed with a local ticket
Since 2017, it has already been possible to travel on long-distance trains on the Gäubahn, even if you only have a local ticket. No additional payment is required for this either. This arrangement is also the result of an agreement between the state and the railroad. (SWR Aktuell 26.APRIL 2023)
Does “Girls’ Day” inspire more girls to take up IT professions?
Does Girls’ Day have a positive impact on inspiring more girls to pursue IT professions? Girls’ and Boys’ Day provides an initial exposure to the working world for students in Baden-Württemberg. The goal is to spark an interest in jobs that are not stereotypical for their gender. Does this campaign genuinely promote more inclusivity?
On Thursday, April 27th, seventh and eighth-grade students in Baden-Württemberg will have their first experience with the working world. Girls’ Day intends to introduce young women to scientific and technical professions, while boys will be exposed to nursing and social work careers. The training statistics in Baden-Württemberg clearly demonstrate different preferences between the genders when choosing a profession. Currently, the most popular training occupation in the state is an automotive mechanic, and only 70 of the 2,375 apprentices are women, according to the State Statistical Office.
Young women prefer careers in “dental assistants,” with nearly 100% of trainees being female. The statistics for general medical assistants, which is the most popular profession among women, show a similar trend. Gender-specific differences remain large, and Girls’ Day aims to change that by introducing more girls to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) professions this year.
During adolescence, many children are encouraged to challenge their prejudices. Some progress has been made towards gender-independent interests. For instance, the number of male trainees in the hairdressing trade has doubled over the last decade.
MINT, which stands for Mathematics, Computer Science, Natural Science, and Technology, primarily includes engineers and electronics technicians. Girls should also be encouraged to pursue MINT professions. “Early in childhood, biases are formed through educational impressions: boys are like this, girls are like that. The nationwide Girls’ Day campaign aims to make these stereotypes visible,” said Silke Odum-Scharhag, the State Representative for Girls’ and Boys’ Day.
Demographic changes necessitate action. The search for skilled workers is the most significant challenge for the labor market. Odum-Scharhag continued, “We can soon no longer afford to exclude boys and girls when selecting their careers and to regard them as separate groups.” Several industries, such as nursing, urgently need new recruits, and gender is no longer a central issue. Last year’s Boys’ Day saw daycare centers, nurseries, and care facilities as the most sought-after fields. According to an impact study, one in three boys can imagine working in this industry later. The popularity of the campaign has grown to a historical high after the “Corona years,” with more than 15,000 service contracts for students signed for Thursday, the most ever. (SWR Aktuell, April 27, 2023
Work on Autobahn – A 8 near Pforzheim will be closed
Bad news for everyone who relies on the Autobahn 8 around Pforzheim: The road will be closed between the Pforzheim-Nord and Pforzheim-Süd junctions in the direction of Stuttgart – during the night from this Thursday, April 27, at 8 p.m., until the next morning, April 28, at 6 a.m. “In order to ensure traffic safety, we have to repair road damage at short notice at the level of the tank and service area,” the Autobahn GmbH Southwest Branch informs. Originally, the damage was not to be repaired until the summer during the next scheduled full closure of the A8 as part of the six-lane expansion. This was to keep traffic restrictions as low as possible. However, the heavy rainfall of the past few days had intensified the damage to such an extent that a short-term roadway rehabilitation was necessary. And this is how the detour will proceed during the nighttime full closure: Traffic will be routed via the existing on-demand detours – from the Pforzheim-Nord junction via the U7a and U9 to the Pforzheim-Süd junction on the A8 in the direction of Stuttgart. (Stuttgarter Nachrichten, April 27)
Hunting Tunnels at the Böblingen forest
Supporting program at the current special exhibition at the German Butcher Museum. Registration until May 6.
Böblingen. The supporting program to the current special exhibition in the German Butcher Museum starts with a guided tour at the Böblingen city forest and to the historical hunting tunnels. Television Chef Timo Böckle, also deputy district hunter, federal forester and Andreas Ganz accompany interested guests on International Museum Day Sunday, May 21 starting at 3 pm.
The newly restored hunting tunnels, which were built by the order of Duke Carl Alexander at the time, will be shown and explained to the participants by Federal Forester Andreas Ganz. The extensive historic site is located in the Böblingen city forest east of the city between the “Beim Roten Mann” and “Schelmenhau” areas – on the military training area of the American armed forces, the US Army Garrison Stuttgart. Therefore, it can be visited only with special access authorization.
“A special curiosity for the underground hunting tunnels underground passages, which Duke Carl Alexander had built in 1737 under the then Chief Forester of Böblingen von Schauroth by the master builder Nicolaus Kraft on the so-called Plan (1 hour east of Böblingen). They are solidly vaulted of ashlars 7′ (feet) high and 4 ½’ (feet) wide and have a length of 943 steps from the entrance at the Planklinge to the exit at the Kastenklinge, a side passage is 253 steps long. The vaults, which have embrasures on both sides, are partially torn and collapsed.”
After the hunting-historical part, Timo Böckle will show the audience a part of Böblingen’s city forest, which he himself cares for, and explain it from a hunter’s point of view. The guests will learn which sight pleases the hunter and which does not. What does the hunting community do as certified conservationists in German forests? All questions about this can be put to the expert.
30 available spots with pre-registration and possible raffle.
The tour is free of charge. Registration is possible in three ways from now until Saturday, May 6:
– by e-mail to: fleischermuseum@boeblingen.de
– in person: a list is always available at the museum ticket office during opening hours
– by mail to the address: Deutsches Fleischermuseum, Marktplatz 27, 71032 Böblingen, keyword “Pirschgänge”.
Please include contact information and full first and last names. Each interested person can only register him/herself. Registrations for more than one person are not possible. If there are more than 30 interested persons, the participation will be decided by lot. Those who have not received a message by Friday, May 12, with an exact indication of the meeting place for May 21 at 3 p.m., unfortunately, were not lucky in the draw.
All who participate in the tour have to bring: valid identity card, sturdy shoes, hiking clothes and the necessary fitness for a group hike of about three hours over uneven terrain. (BB.heute.de, April 28)