Information provided by DoDEA Europe.
Due to the recent restrictions imposed by the German government, and in coordination with military commanders, all DoDEA schools in Germany, which includes USAG Stuttgart (that are not already in remote learning) will transition to remote learning.
DODEA’s Plan for schools currently in In-Person Instruction:
▪️ Tues, Dec 15: Students and staff report to school. Instruction continues and students should take home their belongings and any materials/equipment they need to operate in remote learning.
▪️ Wed, Dec 16, Wed: No students report to school and staff report to work to collaborate, obtain EQ/Materials, and assist students virtually with any technology issues.
▪️ Thurs/Fri Dec 17/18: No students in the building as these two days are for teachers to prepare for transition to remote instruction following the winter recess.
*Virtual School students and students already in remote instruction are not affected by this decision. Any further questions may be directed to school administration.
All DoDEA schools in Germany will start school after Winter Break in remote status and remain in remote learning until the German government provides additional guidance (tentative date to return to in-person instruction on January 10th).