In the first quarter of 2011, 40 of the 61 criminal cases that have
crossed the desk of Stuttgart Military Police Investigator Chief Darrell
Robertson were for shoplifting.

Of those shoplifting cases, 32 involved youth under the age of 18, Robertson said. Read More

Stuttgart’s State Gallery downtown gives puts on a new spin on a
traditional art viewing experience. The gallery showcases an art
collection that spans 700 years. However, viewers may be surprised to
find a modern sculpture next to a masterpiece from the 14th century.Read More

The U.S. Army Health Clinic Stuttgart follows national performance
standards on important dimensions of health care service that are
delivered to service members and their families. These quality measures
are called Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set, or HEDIS,
measures,  and they allow the clinic to compare the level of services
provided with quality standards of care being used by health care
organizations across the U.S.

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A healthy employee is a productive employee: This was the message
delivered by Defense Information Systems Agency-Europe Commander Col.
Elizabeth Bierden as she kicked off the fourth annual DISA-Europe
Wellness Day on Feb. 11 in the Patch Fitness Center.
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On the same day that President Obama outlined his Better Building
Initiative that aims to reduce companies’ energy bills by about $40
billion a year, U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart hosted its second annual
energy symposium.

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Nearly 5,000 missed medical appointments per month costs Army Medicine
in Europe about $5 million per year.  Engaging beneficiaries and unit
leaders can help reduce the number of missed appointments by half,
health officials say. 

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Like it or not, it’s tax time.

If you’re trying to make sense of what’s new for this filing season, fear not. We’ve already done it for you. Read More

The presents are unwrapped, the decorations are put away and the
relatives are gone. After weeks of whirlwind holiday activities, many
of us may find ourselves feeling a little let down. Add to this the
gloom of gray skies, and before you know it, you’ve got a full-blown
case of the winter blues.Read More

U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart conducted a series of safety briefings last month on suicide prevention, traffic, workplace and fire safety, along with injury prevention, as part of an Installation Management Command safety stand down to raise awareness.  Garrisons across Europe were directed by IMCOM Commanding General Lt. Gen. Rick LynchRead More

Twelve U.S. Army, Europe Soldiers represented USAREUR as part of two
running teams in the 2010 Army Ten-Miler, held Oct. 24 in Washington,

The USAREUR men’s team finished with a time of 3:42.09, getting second
place in a field of 40 teams from across the Army. The USAREUR mixed
team finished with a time of 4:41.25, placing 14th out of 46 mixed
teams.Read More