As the new high school on Panzer Kaserne is set to open next fall, Patch High School sports teams are doing their best to make their last year at Patch memorable before they must hang up those “PHS” uniforms for good.Read More

October 2014 marks the 11th annual National Cybersecurity Awareness Month; it’s everyone’s duty to protect Army information and communications.Read More

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

One small act can make a difference in the life of a veteran or service member in crisis.

Every year, organizations across the country recognize September as Suicide Prevention Month. This year, the Veterans Crisis Line is asking you to think about the power of one and consider the many ways a single act can give Veterans access to confidential support and resources.
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U.S. Transportation Command
Many service members may not know of their entitlements when shipping personal vehicles as they move overseas or return stateside, according to U.S. Transportation Command officials.Read More

Story and photo by Greg Jones
USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Office

Managing 83 bus routes to safely move 2,000 students from well over 50 villages and towns to four schools spread across three military installations is no easy task, and that weight falls on the shoulders of the five employees of the Stuttgart school bus office.
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