Only one thing could make 40 teenage boys run bases, catch grounders
and practice their swing during a cold, wet November weekend in
Stuttgart, Germany: the love of the game.

And the yells of encouragement from five college baseball coaches from the United States.Read More

The Department of the Army has required that all units and agencies
have 100 percent accountability on casualty processing forms by Dec.

The Casualty and Mortuary Affairs Operation Center now uses the
Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System to view a
Soldier’s DD Form 93 and Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Election
and Certificate for all casualty notification cases, to include Very
Serious Injury and Serious Injury.
Read More

Gas privileges extended to more government personnel, vehicles

MANNHEIM, Germany — The final arrangement governing use of the fuel
ration card for U.S. servicemembers and eligible civilian employees in
Germany is now in effect, U.S. Army Europe Office of the Provost
Marshal officials announced.Read More

On behalf of the U.S. European Command Headquarters noncommissioned officers,  EUCOM Headquarters Commandant Command Sgt. Major Delbert Hoskins presents Fleet Master Chief Roy M. Maddocks, representing the EUCOM Headquarters, with a plaque commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall Nov. 20 during a ceremony on PatchRead More

“DUI… it’s not worth it. Call a cab!” and “Choose your ride: Don’t Drink and Drive.”

These posters are located on every U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart
installation. What may not be so well-known is the impact they, along
with their creator, the garrison Army Substance Abuse Program, have on
the community.
Read More

To help prepare for the increase in confirmed H1N1 influenza cases in
the Stuttgart military community, the U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart
conducted a pandemic influenza table top exercise at the Swabian
Special Events Center Oct. 29.Read More