Patch Chapel Dec. 20: Protestant Christmas Music Service, 11 a.m. Dec. 24: Catholic Christmas Eve Children’s Mass, 5 p.m. Dec. 24: Protestant Candlelight Service, 7 p.m. Catholic Christmas Eve Mass, 10 p.m. Dec. 25: Catholic Christmas Day Mass, 9 a.m. Dec. 31: Watch Night Service, 9:30 p.m. Jan. 1: CatholicRead More

Editor’s Note: Do you have a question
you would like to see answered in a future edition of The Citizen? If
so, contact “Ask a JAG” at

Q: I feel behind the curve when it comes to my finances, specifically
in regards to money management, saving for retirement, and taxes.  Do
you have any suggestions to help me sort out these difficult issues?Read More

Court closure begins Jan. 11; other dining options offered

Eating out on Patch Barracks can be a hassle. If Dad wants a burger,
the kids prefer Subway and Mom needs a cup of coffee, there’s no “one
stop shop” to get it all done. Instead, the family may have to visit
three separate buildings.Read More

Last week, our President laid out the way ahead in Afghanistan, which
includes sending 30,000 additional troops to seize the initiative and
build the Afghan capacity to allow for a responsible transition of our
forces.Read More

Glühwein Recipe Ingredients: • 0,75 l  red wine • 10 cubes of sugar • 2 oranges • 2 cinnamon sticks • 20  cloves Directions: Combine wine and sugar in a pot to heat, but do not boil the wine. Stick cloves into one half of the oranges  (this way youRead More

Several local tree farms allow patrons to select and cut their own Christmas tree: Tannengrün Schaible   Herterstraße 7,  71254 Ditzingen Phone: 0170-7720933 E-mail: Weihnachtsbäume  Markus Silcher Heckbachstr. 7, 71404 Korb-Kleinheppach Phone: 07151-606758 or 0170-868-8901 Zabergäu-Tanne Bernhard Schmoll Nordhausener Str. 34, 74336 Brackenheim-Hausen Phone:  07135-6468 or 0173-8712016 E-mail: More

Only one thing could make 40 teenage boys run bases, catch grounders
and practice their swing during a cold, wet November weekend in
Stuttgart, Germany: the love of the game.

And the yells of encouragement from five college baseball coaches from the United States.Read More

The Department of the Army has required that all units and agencies
have 100 percent accountability on casualty processing forms by Dec.

The Casualty and Mortuary Affairs Operation Center now uses the
Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System to view a
Soldier’s DD Form 93 and Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Election
and Certificate for all casualty notification cases, to include Very
Serious Injury and Serious Injury.
Read More