USAG Stuttgart holds National Prayer Breakfast
“True heroes and true leaders are like tea bags. You don’t know how strong they are until you put them in some hot water.”
Haiti relief: Airman discovers every little bit helps
Soon after the earthquake rocked Haiti Jan. 12 and changed the country
forever, the reaction among many Airmen was the same: “How can I
volunteer to go?”Read More
1-214th Soldiers mourned in memorial ceremony
Hundreds of mourners gathered in the Panzer Kaserne community chapel
Feb. 11 to honor the memory of three Soldiers who sacrificed their
lives in service to America.Read More
U.S. Army Europe updates installation access policy, procedures
Officials at the U.S. Army Europe Office of the Provost Marshal
announced changes to controls for installation pass holders and
modified procedures that are the result of an update to the USAREUR
installation access directive.Read More
Ten key indicators of potential terrorist associated insider threats to the Army
1.Advocating violence, the threat of violence, or the use of force to achieve goals that are political, religious or ideological in nature. 2. Advocating support for international terrorist organizations or objectives. 3. Providing financial or other material support to a terrorist organization or to someone suspected of being a terrorist.Read More
Protecting the force: Keep eyes, ears open to suspicious activity, people
All members of the U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart military community are
encouraged to be alert, recognize and report suspicious activity.Read More
Looking for love online
Love at first site?Perhaps not, but it was definitely the Internet highway that put Chris
and Carolyn Wong, married for two years in June, on the path to
romance.Read More
Quilters find friendship, inspiration in Black Forest Guild
Some international relationships are forged through creative quilting and sewing activities in Stuttgart. Read More
SF sergeants major don green beret one last time
Twenty-five years ago, two men joined the Army one week apart at
different locations. Nineteen years ago, they both became Special
Forces sergeants.Read More
1/10th Soldiers’ heroic actions result in Bronze Star Medals
Three 1st Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group Soldiers were presented
with Bronze Star Medals during a ceremony held Feb. 4 at Panzer Hall in
Sgt. 1st Class Justin J. Aflague, Staff Sgt. Jarred E. Shewey and Staff
Sgt. Ryan M. Stovall, all assigned to 1/10 Special Forces Group
Operational Detachment Alpha, were awarded the Bronze Star Medal with
valor for their heroic actions while supporting an International
Security Assistance Forces mission in Afghanistan on July 29, 2009.Read More
Former ambassador now EUCOM’s first-ever CD2
Katherine Canavan, the U.S. European Command civilian deputy to the
commander and foreign policy advisor, works in a unique position
formally created by Adm. James Stavridis, EUCOM commander.Read More
WebTrac brings FMWR home: Program gives families online options
Signing up for Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation activities is about to get much easier. Read More