AFRICOM employee, Little League president loses battle with cancer
Albert Rowe, 60, an employee of the U.S. Africa Command Office of the Inspector General, died on March 2 in Sindelfingen after a battle with cancer.
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Ask a JAG
Editor’s Note: Do you have a question you would like to see answered in a future edition of The Citizen? If so, contact “Ask a JAG” at Q: Does living in Germany, and serving in the military in general, affect whether I am required to pay state income tax?Read More
Camaraderie keeps troops warm during winter exercise
One thing I
have learned through my personal interactions with soldiers of other
nations is that we all share universal traits, dislikes and jargon.Read More
USAG Stuttgart artists win top Army-level honors
Four Stuttgart military community members took top honors in the
Army-level 2009 Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Arts and
Crafts Contest.Read More
Record breakers
While defending their D1 wrestling title, Patch High School students became DoDDS-Europe …Read More
What’s happening in FMWR
Arts and Crafts contest open for entries The deadline to submit works of art to the 2009 Stuttgart Arts and Crafts contest is May 1. Guidelines and entry forms are available at both the Patch and Kelley Arts and Crafts centers. The exhibition will be held in the SwabianRead More
Animals, move over: zoo also spotlights history, plants
Nineteenth-century Moorish-style homes and lavish gardens — some animals have all the luck. Read More
Analysis program focuses on preventing combat injuries
Every time a service member is killed or wounded in combat, it sets off
a process aimed at identifying what happened, who perpetrated it and
how it might have been prevented — and instituting changes to reduce
the likelihood of it being repeated.Read More
Social media:
New policy authorizes access from non-classified government computers, with caveats
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Cats strut their stuff at Feline Fun Show
Competition was fierce at the 2nd Annual Feline Fun Show Feb. 27,
hosted by the U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart Directorate of Family and
Morale, Welfare and Recreation Sports Office.Read More