Stuttgart’s State Theater was built in 1912 and is considered one of Europe’s largest theater houses.Read More

Staff members and their families gathered at Kelley Barracks Aug. 8, 2014 for the fourth annual AFRICOM Olympics.

After a day of competition, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Africa took home the top prize and bragging rights for the next year.Read More

COLD SAFETY TIPS courtesy American Red Cross 1. Wear layers of lightweight clothing to stay warm. Gloves and a hat will help prevent losing your body heat. 2. Bring pets indoors. If they can’t come inside, make sure they have enough shelter to keep them warm and that they canRead More

It’s never easy settling into a new community. Hillary Carter, an Army spouse who arrived in Stuttgart in early July with husband Kevin and 2-year-old son Rigby, survived her first overseas permanent change of station move and now is in the process of “starting over” in a new environment.Read More