Stuttgart Veterinary Treatment Facility Moving to an overseas installation can be stressful for pets. What will their life in Stuttgart be like? What is veterinary care like? Are there dog parks? Can pets go downtown, into public places, or travel with the family on vacation? For those with four-legged familyRead More

U.S. Army Health Clinic Stuttgart The health system for service members, retirees, civilians and their families in Germany consists of local military community health services on Patch Barracks and Kelley Barracks, local host nation medical facilities for inpatient and outpatient primary and specialty care, and the Landstuhl Regional Medical CenterRead More

Stuttgart Law Center As a newly arrived member to the community, it is important to understand your legal status in Germany and your protections. Service members, civilians and family members on military orders are governed by the NATO Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA). Understanding how the SOFA affects you willRead More

Family & MWR – VAT & UTAP Office Service members, civilian employees and family members who fall under the Status of Forces Agreement are eligible for the VAT and UTAP tax savings. The Value Added Tax (VAT) is imposed by Germany on a wide variety of goods and services. MostRead More

USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Drivers with a USAREUR license can register an operational vehicle in the USAREUR Vehicle Registry. The first step is obtaining temporary license plates and registration. This requires a $45 fee for each year registered. Vehicles can be registered for 1-2 years at a time. New vehiclesRead More

Logistics Readiness Center (LRC) Stuttgart – Driver Testing/Training Office The U.S. Army Europe (USAREUR) driver’s license allows personnel stationed in Stuttgart to drive in Germany without going through the process of obtaining a local driver’s license. It is also used as the basis for an International Driving Permit, which allowsRead More

USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Life in Germany can be very different than in the U.S., and it’s often the little things that make the big difference. These tips may help to ease some of those little daily challenges. Electricity and communications Germany uses a 220-volt electrical system which means manyRead More

USAG Stuttgart Directorate of Human Resources – Central Processing Facility Travel to Stuttgart Sponsors of incoming personnel should be aware that all personnel assigned to Panzer Kaserne, Kelley Barracks, Patch Barracks, Robinson Barracks, Stuttgart Army Airfield, or the International Training Center-Pfullendorf should fly directly into Stuttgart Airport (STR). Their officiallyRead More

USAG Stuttgart Directorate of Public Works – Environmental Division GOING GREEN THROUGH RECYCLING, ECOLABELS The best way to help the environment is to reduce trash. Single-use items are particularly wasteful and produce costs for disposal. One way to reduce trash is to minimize use of plastic. You could use aRead More

USAG Stuttgart Housing Office Prior to selecting a location Verify internet strength and capability options through local internet providers. Determine availability of adequate, nearby parking. To reduce noise, consider whether there are the following within close proximity: Major Industrial area Ongoing or pending construction Proximity to train station, railroad, orRead More

USAG Stuttgart Directorate of Public Works -Army Housing Office Recognizing where you will be living during your tour at USAG Stuttgart is important, we want to share a little about what you can expect. Approximately 30 percent of the USAG Stuttgart community live in the 1,300+ on-base Family Housing units,Read More

USAG Stuttgart Directorate of Human Resources (DHR) – Central Processing Facility The Central Processing Facility (CPF) assists you with your transition out of Stuttgart. By beginning this process early, CPF can position you for success. The goal is to make your transition out of Stuttgart as smooth as possible. AllRead More

USAG Stuttgart and LRC staff routinely receive questions regarding Duty Bus services and operations. Below are some frequently asked questions along with guidance to ensure all community members can enjoy this service.Read More