U.S. Army Europe released the results of seven general, summary and special courts martial decided in July to implement a policy of transparency.
Only two of the cases released Sept. 18 ended in verdicts of not guilty. All the cases involved enlisted Soldiers.
Results from July courts-martial, listed by General Court-Martial Convening Authority:
21st Theater Sustainment Command
At a General Court-Martial in Kai-serslautern, Germany, Spc. Kevin M. Perry, 92nd MP Company, 95th MP Battalion, pled not guilty to one charge and one specification of wrongful appropriation in violation of Article 121, two specifications of assault consummated by a battery in violation of Article 128, and one specification of wrongfully communicating a threat and one specification of adultery in violation of Article 134. On July 18, 2014, a panel found him guilty of the charges and their specifications, and sentenced him to reduction to private first class (E3) and 45 days of hard labor without confinement.
At a Special Court-Martial in Kaiserslautern, Germany, Sgt. Keith A. Mazone, 92nd MP Company, 95th MP Battalion, pled not guilty to one charge and one specification of abandoning his watch in violation of Article 86, one charge and one specification of maltreatment of a subordinate in violation of Article 93, and one charge and one specification of wrongful use of provoking words in violation of Article 117. On July 9, 2014, a panel found him not guilty of all the charges.
At a Special Court-Martial in Kaiserslautern, Germany, Sgt. 1st Class Michael W. Dewsbury, Medical Transient Detachment, Troop Command, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, pled guilty to one charge and one specification of negligent homicide in violation of Article 134. On July 2, 2014, a panel found him not guilty of the charge.
7th Joint Military Training Command
At a General Court-Martial in Vilseck, Germany, Pfc. Ambrosio C. Aragon, B Battery, 4-319th Airborne Field Artillery Regiment, pled guilty to one charge and three specifications of assault consummated by a battery in violation of Article 128 and one charge and two specifications of obstructing justice in violation of Article 134. On July 24, 2014, a military judge found him guilty. He was sentenced to a reduction to private (E1) and 12 months confinement.
At a Summary Court-Martial in Vilseck, Germany, Spc. David L. Fears, Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 2nd Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, pled not guilty to one charge and two specifications of failure to obey a lawful regulation in violation of Article 92 and one charge and one specification of drunken operation of a vehicle in violation of Article 111. On July 22, 2014, the Summary Court-Martial Officer found him guilty of all charges and specifications and sentenced him to reduction to private (E1), 22 days hard labor without confinement and 15 days confinement.
U.S. Army Africa Southern European Task Force
At a General Court-Martial in Vicenza, Italy, Staff Sgt. James V. Simpson, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 173rd Bri-gade Support Battalion, pled not guilty to one charge and one specification of rape in violation of Article 120 and one charge and three specifications of assault consummated by a battery in violation of Article 128. On July 29, 2014, an enlisted panel found him not guilty of rape, but guilty of three specifications of assault consummated by a battery. On July 30, 2014, he was sentenced to reduction to specialist (E4), confinement for 90 days and a reprimand.
USA NATO and Wiesbaden
At a Summary Court Martial in Wiesbaden, Germany, Sgt. 1st Class Antonio L. Jurilla, Command Contingency Post Company, Head-quarters and Headquarters Battalion, pled not guilty to one charge and three specifications of making a false official statement in violation of Article 107. On July 23, 2014, the Summary Court Martial Officer found him guilty of two specifications of the charge. He was sentenced to reduction to staff
sergeant (E6).