Freedom 6 sends: strategic priorities from the CSA

At the recent Association of the U.S. Army’s annual meeting, the chief of staff of the Army, Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, rolled out his strategic priorities, which will serve as the basis for the objectives outlined in the upcoming 2014 Army strategic planning guidance.

I would like to take this opportunity to discuss those priorities and how they pertain to our mission here in U.S. Army Europe.

First, the Army’s strategic vision is that our all-volunteer force will remain the most highly trained and professional land force in the world. It is uniquely organized with the capability and capacity to provide expeditionary, decisive land power to the joint force and is ready to perform across the range of military operations to prevent conflict, shape the environment, and if necessary, win decisively in support of combatant commanders to defend the nation and its interests at home and abroad, both today and against emerging threats.

To achieve this vision, the CSA has set five strategic priorities for the Army, and USAREUR plays a vital role in contributing to each:

–  Adaptive Army leaders for a complex world includes educating and developing all Soldiers and civilians to grow the intellectual capacity to understand the complex contemporary security environment to better lead Army, joint, interagency and multinational task forces and teams.

  – A globally responsive and regionally engaged Army requires us to maintain a responsive force posture and effective network of installations and capabilities to protect U.S. interests and those of our allies. We need to shape and set theaters for regional commanders employing unique Total Army (active-duty Army, Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve) characteristics and capabilities to influence the security environment, build trust, develop relationships, and gain access through rotational forces, multilateral exercises, mil-to-mil engagements, coalition training and other opportunities. This is something that we do well on a daily basis and will continue to improve upon.

–  A ready and modern army
means conducting tough, realistic multi-echelon home station training utilizing our live, virtual and constructive capabilities to efficiently and effectively assure individual, leader and unit competencies. Our Joint Multinational Training Command already leverages multi-echelon joint and multinational command post exercises, staff rides and simulations. In the future, we will continue to develop more creative and cost effective ways to train with our allies and partners.

  –  Soldiers committed to our Army profession focuses on renewing the foundation of our Army’s strength daily by living the values of our profession and exhibiting the character, competence and commitment that are hallmarks of an Army professional. We must continue to build the comprehensive physical, mental, emotional and spiritual resiliency of our Soldiers, civilians and their families to enable them to thrive personally and professionally.

–  The premier all-volunteer Army
deserves our commitment and responsibility to provide benefits and high quality services such as Morale, Welfare and Recreation, education assistance, exchanges, housing, dependent schools, commissaries, and child and youth programs that are components of a professional force dedicated to the Army for the long term.

These priorities and the strategic guidance will provide the Total Army, and USAREUR, a definitive statement of our mission as we look ahead to build upon our hard-earned experiences of the previous decade of war and toward a future that poses distinct challenges of its own.

Over the next few months, I will talk about each of these priorities and how they relate to and affect our mission. I am confident that no matter what is asked of our team, we will continue to be the force that the Army and the nation need here in Europe.