USAREUR will thrive despite fiscal challenges

It is wonderful to be back in Europe. Ann and I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to once again join the tremendous team here at U.S. Army Europe.
I’m honored to be afforded the opportunity to serve you — the Soldiers, civilians, families and host nation supporters who shape this dedicated community — and I feel it necessary to thank you all for what you have done and continue to do every day.
USAREUR is in a time of transition. Our headquarters has a new home in Wiesbaden, we are in the process of deactivating two long-storied brigades, and we are reducing our garrison footprint across Europe.
This transition makes us leaner, better organized, and more agile. In the end we will be better prepared to face the challenges of the future.
I’m here at an interesting time, as one of those challenges is at our doorstep today.
As you all know, our nation as a whole is currently facing fiscal uncertainty and our Army is not immune to that.
With this difficult time come tough decisions about how to navigate the road ahead and balance fiscal responsibility with the readiness of our force and the well-being of our families.
I am committed to ensuring that our workforce stays informed and understands the measures taken and the reasons for them. As always, I encourage all of you to rely on your chain of command and command information channels for timely and accurate information as we navigate these uncertain times.
One thing is clear, regardless of resources or troop levels, no less will be asked of us. We have made impressive gains with our allies and partners over the last decade, but our challenge will be to maintain and build upon these gains in a postwar era of competing resources.
This means that as an organization we will need to focus on fundamentals and on imperatives like discipline, comprehensive fitness, leader development and teamwork.
I expect leaders and Soldiers alike to follow these command imperatives that I have come to trust as a sound formula for developing units into a team of teams that is ready to accomplish any mission. You will soon be seeing AFN spots and other means of communication that reinforce these imperatives.
We must continue to remain focused on accomplishing all missions while always ensuring the resiliency of our families.
I expect all leaders to assist me in promoting a positive command climate; instilling trust up and down the chain of command that reinforces and exemplifies our Army values and the warrior ethos of our combat proven force.
Together we will continue to make our overseas home and the USAREUR team better every day.
I consider it an honor and privilege to lead this historic team and look forward to seeing you all in your formations and communities around Europe.