School Liaison Office
USAG Stuttgart
If you are leaving Stuttgart and have students enrolled in any of the Stuttgart community’s Department of Defense Education Activity schools, the School Liaison Office can link up with the SLO at your gaining command to provide you with information and any youth sponsorships available.
Notify the Stuttgart school(s) about your move as soon as you receive your orders; they’ll need a copy to get started. The accelerated withdraw, the earliest date for students to receive full credit for this school year, is May 18.
Contact the school meal program at AAFES customer service to ensure you leave with a zero balance.
You should also request copy of student’s cumulative record (in addition to the sealed record for the gaining school). Although Stuttgart schools are sealing the records and letting the parents hand-carry them, having a copy of the records is recommended. Make sure you don’t open the sealed package as this will void the official records.
If your student is in any special programs, ensure you get a copy of the Individual Education Plan, Individual Accommodation Plan, or any gifted program. These records are kept separate from your student’s cumulative record.
For students in sixth grade and above, it is recommended you get the course description and a title page of each textbook your student uses in classes to give the gaining school the opportunity to see what was taught. Sometimes the course titles are unclear to the gaining school or they don’t reflect actual concepts being presented in class.
For students in 10th grade and above, parents should request letters of recommendations from teachers, counselors and administrators to help students applying for college admissions and programs at the new school, such as the National Honor Society and scholarships.
Go SLO for school info
Ensure you have the following documents for your students:
- Birth certificate
- Social Security Number
- Immunization records
- Legal documents as needed
- Proof of residency/military orders
For more information about transferring your students to their new school, contact the SLO at 596-7465 or 09641-70596-7465.