Housing Division
USAG Stuttgart
Soon it will be time to pack out. Here are some helpful tips from the USAG Stuttgart Housing Office to make your departure easier.
If you live off-post, pick up the official termination packet at the housing office. Notify your landlord via German registered mail (Einschreibnen Einwurf) prior to the required notice date, 90 days in most cases and 30 days for military clause circumstances.
Alternately, have the landlord sign the termination notice in person with both the landlord and tenant keeping a copy for supporting documentation. Emailed or faxed termination notices to the landlord are legally not accepted.
Once you have the termination letter signed, submit a copy of the termination letter signed by both you and the landlord to the housing office and schedule an out-check inspection with the Off-Post Referral Housing contractor.
Housing recommends a pre-out inspection be performed with your landlord and tenant 30-45 days prior to your final termination to identify any potential problem areas and afford resident time to correct. Unless residents feel that there are underlying circumstances, such as tenant landlord conflicts that could warrant possible loss of a portion or all of tenant’s security deposit. If such a case occurs, a memorandum with justification must be provided to the Housing contract officer representative for review and approval for of pre-termination inspection support service.
Schedule final out-inspections 30 days in advance with an off-post referral Housing contractor. Meter readings must be conducted during the final out-check inspection the day you turn in the keys to your landlord. Reminder, a meter reading is required if you’re using the UTAP program.
In order for government loaner furniture to be delivered or picked up, the Furnishing Management Office needs three business days to schedule delivery and pick up of furnishings and appliances on the date movers finish packing or delivering house hold goods. If as desired delivery date is needed then schedule loaner furniture and appliances 30 days prior to the move in or out of your rental property. Ensure your government appliances are cleaned and ready for pick-up. Customers should be on site during the pickup and should report any damages as soon as possible, and make sure all government loaner furniture and appliances have been picked up prior to final inspection.
Be sure to remove all food particles, lint and stains from appliances. Defrost and wipe down the freezer before it is picked up. User manuals for all appliances should be returned. Any loose parts, such as screw-in feet for dryers, should be returned (these are often removed by customer when they stack the dryer on top of the washer). Appliances should be clean and ready for inspection. Be sure to terminate your phone, internet, and other services prior to your final-out inspections.
On post procedures
Schedule pre-inspections as earliest as possible prior to the anticipated departure date, and have them performed at 45-60 days prior to departure.
Coordinate the movement of household goods (HHG) and delivery of government loaner furniture. Not having appropriate quantities of furniture for authorized family members does not constitute authorization of extension of temporary lodging allowance (TLA).
Final inspections must be scheduled in person with orders at the Housing Office. Personnel must have orders, HHG pick up date, temporary furniture delivery date if applicable, port call dates, flight date, and final out-processing date with the Central Processing Facility. All final inspection will be scheduled in accordance with established 3 days of outgoing TLA.
On final approach
Military personnel should pay their hotel bill in advance and bring to housing for TLA processing before they depart. Schedule your final-out inspections 30 days in advance with Housing (on-post). Up to three days of outgoing TLA is authorized for personnel who reside on post, not counting the flight date; up to 10 days of outgoing TLA is authorized for personnel who reside off post, not counting the flight date.
Calling Housing
Important PCS numbers you can use
- Customer Service Desk: 596-2230 or 09641-70-596-2230
- Unaccompanied Personnel Housing: 596-2236/2337 or 09641-70-596-2236/2337
- Appliances and Furnishings: 596-2458/2228 or. 09641-70-596-2458/2228
- Off-Post Housing: 596-2318/3484/3485 or 09641-70-596-2318/3484/3485
- General and Flag Officer Quarters: 596-6182/6183/6184 or 09641-70-596-6182/6183/6184
For more information, email the USAG Stuttgart Housing Office.