By USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Volunteers across U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart  chucked wood, stamped passports and helped with numerous vaccination drives saving the Army’s top post in Baden-Württemberg more than $1 million this year. 2000 volunteers gave 35,858 hours to agencies ranging from the thrift shop to the Red CrossRead More

Pennsylvaniastrasse will be closed for construction work near Bldg. 2345 (the former Patch Community Club) starting Monday, April 25, meaning drivers must use an alternate route to get to the northwest side of post. Signs will be in place to advise drivers of the detour using New-York-Str and Ohiostr.Read More

By John H. Campbell Director – USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Office With a humanitarian crisis growing in Eastern Europe, many members of the Stuttgart DoD community have started asking what they can do to help.  Some have considered the possibility of inviting refugees into their homes. On Friday (March 18),Read More

Story and photos by Paul Hughes USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs “I’m literally as fat as a jelly donut!” I laughed out loud at the beginning of 2018 as my health assessment results were revealed live on American Forces Radio (where I DJ’d at the time). 27% fat it said, theRead More