Stuttgart Elementary School students from Panzer Kaserne toured Netze BW Wasser’s Münster Wasserwerks water treatment facility and teaching museum in Stuttgart. The trip is a regular occurrence for students in German schools but a first for military affiliated school children from USAG Stuttgart.Read More

The Stuttgart community’s DoDEA schools are comprised of three elementary schools, a middle school (located on Patch Barracks), and a high school (located on Panzer Kaserne). Stuttgart High School Stuttgart High School (SHS), located on Panzer Kaserne, serves a student population of approximately 760 students with 70 teachers and administrators.Read More

In order to ensure maximum safety for you and your child whilst at the gym, certain parts of the facility are either completely prohibited for your child or will only be accessible to them whilst being accompanied by their guardian.Read More

With the aid of a dozen students armed with scissors, Patch Elementary School cut the ribbon to the Department of Defense Education Activity’s (DoDEA) newest 21st Century School, Thursday, Oc. 27.Read More

By Brian Pappas, School Liaison Officer Welcome to USAG Stuttgart! My goal as a School Liaison Officer is to help ease school-related transitions for incoming families. I hope the information below helps to point you in the right direction, and look forward to answering any questions that arise. DoDEA schoolsRead More

Stuttgart high School Seniors face unique challenges when choosing colleges during times of COVID-19. Read More

In coordination with military leadership and public health experts, most DoDEA schools in Germany to include USAG Stuttgart schools will return to in-person instruction on Monday, February 22nd, 2021.Read More