Not everyone is expected to respond correctly and immediately when
faced with a dangerous situation. However, community members who take
situational awareness training are better prepared to make quick
decisions regarding the security and safety of themselves and their
family members.Read More

Installing solar electric panels on the roof of a Directorate of Public
Works building on Kelley Barracks is estimated to help save U.S. Army
Garrison Stuttgart more than $36,000 per year.Read More

Editor’s Note: Do you have a legal question you would like to see answered in a future edition of The Citizen? If so, contact “Ask a JAG” at Q: I’ve heard more and more in the news about identity theft.  What are steps I can take to protect myself,Read More

EnBW customers in USAG Stuttgart now eligible for program

Stuttgart military community members receiving utilities through EnBW
(Energie Baden-Württemberg AG) no longer need to pay the 19 percent
Value Added Tax and 11 percent energy tax on their electric bills, now
that EnBW has agreed to participate in the U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart
Utility Tax Avoidance Program.Read More

Jackal Stone 10, a multi-national special operations forces military
exercise, concluded in Poland and Lithuania on Sept. 27, marking the
third consecutive year of the capstone training event for U.S. Special
Operations Command Europe.Read More

U.S. Army Europe Soldiers and civilian employees can be awarded up to
$25,000 by submitting their ideas to improve the Army through the Army
Suggestion Program.

Soldiers, U.S. federal employees and local national civilian employees
who are paid from appropriated funds are eligible to take part in the
program, said Joseph “J.D.” Jerdee, the Level 2 ASP actions coordinator
for Installation Management Command Europe.Read More

This fall, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Transportation
Security Administration will complete implementation of the Secure
Flight Program, which aims to enhance the security of domestic and
international commercial air travel using improved watch list matching.Read More

As Commanding General of IMCOM, my commander’s intent is to provide the
facilities, programs and services required to support Army readiness,
sustain the all-volunteer force and provide the infrastructure for
current and future mission requirements.Read More

The 208th Financial Management Company returned from a 12-month deployment to Kuwait, into the arms of family Oct. 13, during a brief ceremony at the Panzer Fitness Center. For more photos, visit More

Those who have been keeping tabs on recent media coverage know that
bullying is a rapidly growing concern in schools today.
“Cyber-bullying” is the latest trend: using the Internet, social media
and cell phones to ridicule or hurt others.

In an effort to bring awareness on bullying to the community, the U.S.
Army Garrison Stuttgart Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation
Stuttgart Theatre Center is performing a one-act play about it: “The
Secret Life of Girls,” by Linda Daugherty.Read More

While there are fewer American grocery stores overseas, that doesn’t mean  military communities suffer any decrease in service.

In fact, shoppers in U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart’s Kelley Barracks receive some of the best commissary service in the world. Read More

Soldiers in the 587th Signal Company, 52nd Signal Battalion, stationed
in U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart, along with civilian personnel from the
garrison safety and office and fire department, practiced entering a
manhole on Patch Barracks as part of Confined Space Entry Training
Sept. 23.Read More