Every Halloween there is an assortment of ghosts, pirates, super heroes
and ballerinas running about with one of two things in mind — getting
candy or going to parties.
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Many military history buffs may have preconceived notions on the wisdom
of whether the French made a mistake in building the Maginot Line.  
officers from U.S. European Command’s J3 Plans and Operations Center
not only debated the merits of French military decision-making in light
of the Maginot Line, they also got to see it in person.
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Individuals and teams are invited to be “foot soldiers” in the fight
against cancer during U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart’s third annual
Run4Life Oct. 26.
Participants can walk or run laps around Husky
Field from 6-10 p.m. to honor living cancer warriors and to remember
those who lost their battles with the disease.  
Cancer warriors are also invited to take part in the opening ceremony and a “victory lap.”Read More

Have ideas on how the Department of the Army or Department of Defense
can improve the quality of life for service members, DOD civilians, and
their families?
If so, now is the time to submit them for the next
U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart Army Family Action Plan conference, to be
held Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 in the Swabian Special Events Center. Deadline
to submit issues is Oct. 25.Read More

A sharpshooter who competed in the 2012 Paralympic Games also helped
develop an innovative prosthesis that has helped countless wounded
warriors. Sgt. 1st Class Joshua Olson, a member of the 2012 Paralympic
shooting team and the Army Marksmanship Unit, missed qualifying for the
finals in the mixed 10-meter air rifle prone competition at the
Paralympic Games Sept. 1. He shot 595 points in the qualification
rounds, but eight of his fellow competitors shot a perfect 600 score.
Then Sept. 4, he shot 587 in the mixed 50-meter prone rifle competition,
to earn 12th place.
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Summer campers learned how to “Go Green” during Child, Youth and School
Services’ Camp Adventure program. Children grew and harvested their own
vegetables, went on nature walks and learned to recycle, at camps held
from June 16 to Aug. 25 at the school age and youth centers on Robinson,
Kelley and Patch Barracks, and Panzer Kaserne. 
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The Patch Library concluded its summer reading program with reading
awards, participation prizes and an ice cream social on Aug. 7. With a
theme of “Reading is So Delicious,” the program was designed to spark
the literary appetites of young readers at 250 military installations
across the globe.

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Since the release of the Department of Defense July 2012 suicide report,
stories on suicide have been published almost daily. In the July 23
edition of Time Magazine, the article “The War on Suicide” said no
program, outreach or initiative has worked in reducing the upsurge in
Army suicides; Soldiers aren’t seeking care due to the stigma associated
with mental illness, and no one knows why nothing works.
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Navy Lt. Brad Snyder may have lost his sight after an improvised
explosive device attack in Afghanistan last September, but he hasn’t
lost his vision … a vision of himself atop a podium sporting Olympic

After one bomb went off, Snyder rushed to aid his comrades,
and in the process, stepped on another. Snyder, 28, spent three weeks
in intensive care, followed by five more recovering at home.Read More

Usually Patch Elementary School is pretty quiet this time of year … the
desks are empty, the public address system silent, the bulletin boards
blank. Yet laughter echoed through the halls as 221 children and 110
volunteers were in constant motion during the garrison-sponsored
Vacation Bible School for 5- to 11-year-olds, held July 30 to Aug. 3 at
the school.
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It’s never easy settling into a new community. That’s why if you’ve
recently moved to the Stuttgart military community, you may want to
attend the C.A.R.E. Fair.

The U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart’s annual
Community Activities, Registration and Education Fair, set for Aug. 18
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Exchange Shopping Mall on Panzer Kaserne,
offers community members the opportunity to learn about the many
programs and services available to them. Read More

Col. John P. Stack assumed leadership of U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart
from Col. Carl D. Bird during a change of command ceremony held July 23
on the Panzer Barracks’ parade field.
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Most people don’t even blink an eye when they power on their computers,
turn on a television, jump in a hot shower or pull out a bag of popcorn
from the microwave. We want electricity, heat and water when we want it.
But when it comes to delivering utilities in U.S. Army Garrison
Stuttgart, there’s even more to it.
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