If you are looking for a home to rent, deciphering the German newspaper ads can be a challenge. Here’s an ad for a place in Filderstadt-Sielmingen and what it means:  4 Zi.-WHG ( an apartment with four rooms —  two bedrooms, a living room and a dining room ), KuecheRead More

Stuttgart, the German and the Swabian Gymnastics Federations are proud to welcome the best gymnasts of the world in Stuttgart – in the hear t of Europe – for this high-level event.Read More

The U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command is warning Army personnel about an “imposter” site claimed to be an official U.S. Army benefits page in order to steal official Army Knowledge Online email addresses and passwords. The site, using the address usmilitarybenifit.org, is no an official site. The Army’s authorized benefitRead More

The U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart assists supervisors, managers and their employees with problems that may affect work performance, conduct, attendance, the work environment and/or quality of life. The EAP coordinator can provide free and confidential short-term counseling, community referrals, coordination with alcohol/drug treatment, management consultations and training. For more information,Read More

By Capt. Chip Ladd (U.S. Army)
Stuttgart Law Center

Q: I am in love! I am a 19-year-old private who just arrived in Stuttgart from boot camp. I met a dreamy 24-year-old corporal. We Facebook constantly and find every excuse to meet during work. Is this permissible? Read More

By Vince Little
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Europe District Public Affairs

Department of Defense Dependents Schools-Europe and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Europe District are engaged in a robust military construction program designed to revitalize dilapidated schoolhouses, some of which were built in the post-World War II era.Read More

By Lt. Col. Twyla Leigh
U.S. Army Public Health Command

It’s been a long day at the office. Caffeine and sugar are calling your name. Before you head for a vending machine, consider that the additional 140 calories from a 12-ounce can of soda and 220 calories from a candy bar, if consumed on most work days, will create a weight gain of 25 pounds per year.Read More

By Terri Moon Cronk
American Forces Press Service

Military spouses who need guidance on education and careers have a new online tool at their fingertips, according to a program analyst for the Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program, or SECO.Read More

A medical emergency is one in which life, limb or eyesight may be in immediate danger. The Stuttgart Army health clinics are not staffed or equipped to respond to a major medical emergency, nor do they provide ambulance service. Specific medical needs are handled by different hospitals in the StuttgartRead More