The USAG Stuttgart Religious Support Office has announced its schedule for 2024 holiday chapel services, offering opportunities for worship throughout the Christmas and New Year seasons. For more information, please contact the RSO.Read More

  Home for the Holidays? Don’t miss these on-post events. Compiled by USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Tuesday, Nov. 26- Wednesday, Dec. 11 Operation Angel Tree Help a child have a brighter holiday this year by picking a child (or children) from The Angel Tree at the Panzer Main Exchange orRead More

The Directorate of Emergency Services advises it will close the outbound lane at Robinson Barracks Main Gate to all traffic from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday Nov 4 to Wednesday, Nov. 6.

Outbound traffic will reopen on Thursday, Nov. 7. During the closure, all outbound traffic must use the Back Gate adjacent to Building 161 and 164.

Please see below for the detour route from the Main Gate to the Back Gate.Read More

Panzerstrasse will be closed between Bunsenstrasse and Waldburgstrasse from 8 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 28, through 5 a.m. on Monday, Oct. 28, as workers prepare to install a cycling bridge. Travelers approaching Panzer Kaserne from the north (e.g., from Autobahn 81) will need to follow a detour through Böblingen. There is no impact to travelers destined for Panzer Kaserne who are approaching from the south (Schönaich, Waldenbuch, etc.), or who are leaving Panzer in that direction, although detour signs will still be placed.Read More

USAG Stuttgart’s annual Retiree Appreciation Day, set for Oct. 25 at the Panzer Firehouse, honors the dedicated service of military retirees and their families with ceremonies, health services, and social activities. Please RSVP by Oct. 24. A Retiree Dental Day will also be held on October 24; appointments are limitedRead More

Flu vaccination events are now available to eligible beneficiaries in the Stuttgart military community through scheduled events (no walk-ins accepted). Patients not empaneled to U.S. Army Health Clinic Stuttgart must first register at the Patch Clinic’s Patient Administration office.Read More

On-and-off ramps at Böblingen-Ost, the closest A81 autobahn access point to Panzer Kaserne, will be closed from October through next spring as part of large-scale construction work, with the nearby Sindelfingen-Ost interchange serving as the designated detour.Read More