At first glance, it looked like a game of musical chairs.

But instead of walking around the chairs to music, these children
changed chairs in response to statements such as “Move if you have a
parent in Afghanistan” or “Move if you’re sad that your parent is
deployed.”Read More

Not everyone is expected to respond correctly and immediately when
faced with a dangerous situation. However, community members who take
situational awareness training are better prepared to make quick
decisions regarding the security and safety of themselves and their
family members.Read More

Installing solar electric panels on the roof of a Directorate of Public
Works building on Kelley Barracks is estimated to help save U.S. Army
Garrison Stuttgart more than $36,000 per year.Read More

Editor’s Note: Do you have a legal question you would like to see answered in a future edition of The Citizen? If so, contact “Ask a JAG” at Q: I’ve heard more and more in the news about identity theft.  What are steps I can take to protect myself,Read More

EnBW customers in USAG Stuttgart now eligible for program

Stuttgart military community members receiving utilities through EnBW
(Energie Baden-Württemberg AG) no longer need to pay the 19 percent
Value Added Tax and 11 percent energy tax on their electric bills, now
that EnBW has agreed to participate in the U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart
Utility Tax Avoidance Program.Read More

The last two decades have shown a rise in childhood obesity, including
children in Army families. As obesity numbers in children continue to
climb, so do conditions associated with obesity, for example, Type 2
diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea and high cholesterol.Read More

The Stuttgart Cowboys tackle football team, in its inaugural season,
has a 5-0 record and is focused on walking away as victors in the
championship game in Bamberg Nov. 13.Read More

Jackal Stone 10, a multi-national special operations forces military
exercise, concluded in Poland and Lithuania on Sept. 27, marking the
third consecutive year of the capstone training event for U.S. Special
Operations Command Europe.Read More

U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart firefighters were very busy the week of Oct. 4-9, but it wasn’t because of fires in the community.

They were teaching community youngsters, in kindergarten through third
grade, about fire prevention during the annual Fire Prevention Week.

“So far this week, we’ve visited every elementary school, high school
and child care center to discuss and demonstrate fire safety,” said
Leonard Fagan, USAG Stuttgart Department of Emergency Services
assistant fire chief.  
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