It was a devastating mistake that changed his military career forever.

What started out as a couple of drinks turned into a nightmare that
will follow one Army noncommissioned officer for the rest of his
military career — all because he got behind the wheel.
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Competition can bring out the best in Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and
Marines. Whether it is an intramural sport setting to claim the title
as the best basketball, softball or flag football team, or at the
international level, there are plenty of examples of military personnel
coming together as a team, striving to win.

It’s no different outside the sports arena.Read More

Soldiers assigned to the U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart Headquarters and
Headquarters Company, explored both a historic German city and a
special friendship between two nations during a trip to Augsburg Dec.

The  Soldiers were guests of the “Amerika in Augsburg Verein” (America in Augsburg society). Read More

Like many others this time of year, I have been reflecting on the past
12 months and looking forward to the new year. In my professional
capacity, I am focusing on the future of the Installation Management
community. Specifically, I’ve been asking myself: “What should the
Installation Management community look like a year from now?”Read More

The Harlem Globetrotters basketball team performed in U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart Dec. 5 in the Patch Fitness Center in an exhibition game against the Washington Generals. The 85-year-old team, famous for record-breaking basketball feats combined with comedy, visited Stuttgart during its ninth holiday military tour, sponsored by Navy Entertainment andRead More

Julia Child had her copper pots; Rachael Ray a vintage Chambers stove.

But for Master Sgt. Valetta Stewart, or “Chef V,” as she calls herself,
her kitchen essentials consist of a super-powered blender, a food
processor and a dehydrator.

“I don’t have a stove. I don’t have an oven,” said Stewart, a reservist assigned to U.S. Africa Command. Read More

Story & photo by Susan Huseman USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Office Ingrid Arnold brings German culture to Americans — one bite at a time. For almost 20 years, Arnold has taught Stuttgart military community members how to prepare traditional German dishes through the United Service Organizations Stuttgart. During this timeRead More