Stuttgart Drivers Testing and Training Station will conduct Motorcycle Orientation and Testing on 20 Aug 2021 from 0745-1200. Only 15 seats available.
IAW with AE REG 190-1, 13 JUL 2017 Army military and civilian personnel, contractors, and Family members must have a motorcycle license, or a motorcycle endorsement to their driver’s license that is issued by the civil authorities of a country or by a U.S. State or territory of the United States.
There is a mandatory pre-registration to attend this class and test. The pre-registration dates are 12 and 19 Aug from 10:00- 11:00 at DTTS building 2913, Panzer Kaserne, 3rd Floor, Room 301.
For more information call DSN: 314-596-2007 or email: usarmy.stuttgart.id-europe.mbx.dtts@mail.mil