Demonstrations in Stuttgart this weekend

U.S. Army photo by Rick Scavetta

Several registered demonstrations will take place in downtown Stuttgart this weekend, with larger ones on Saturday, May 11, in the areas between the main station and the Old Castle (Altes Schloss).

The USAG Stuttgart Antiterrorism/Force Protection team recommends that all DoD-affiliated personnel avoid demonstration areas and offers the following additional tips:

  • Remember that some protestors may linger around the area after the protest has ended.  Never become engaged with the protestors.
  • Practice your Situational Awareness, learn to “read” the crowd by keeping up-to-date on current events and happenings in your area
  • If you unexpectedly encounter a hostile demonstration, depart the area as quickly as possible or seek shelter if unable to leave. Never become engaged with the protestors.
  • Always follow the guidance of host nation law enforcement and first responders
  • As with most demonstrations/protests, one never knows the intentions of all participants. Violent groups are known to attend peaceful protests as we have witnessed here in Germany and in the United States. The attendance of agitators and counter demonstrators are not always known to the event organizers, and, therefore your safety is at risk.
  • Carry a fully charged cell phone on your person with all necessary emergency numbers and contacts. (e.g. Polizei: 110, Fire/Medical: 112, Stuttgart Military Police Desk: 07031-15-3102)