PCS Tips
PCS season is here. And with all of the excitement about your new adventure in a new country, it can be a little tricky to navigate yourself through certain customs and regulations of your new community, be it on or off base. To help you navigate that process, we have this series to ensure you know all there is to know or where to search for answers when you feel lost. We have a special PCS edition you can pick up in hardcopy at any newsstand around the bases. To access the online version, click here or catch it on the Stuttgart App.
Q: What kind of electrical connections are available in on-post housing units?
A: On-post housing units have 110 and 220-volt outlets for both U.S. and German appliances. For more information, check out page 7 of the Stuttgart Citizen.
Q: Do you have to bring your own bags to the grocery store in Germany?
A: You do not need to bring your own bags but expect to pay. For more information on how to shop like a local, check out page 11.
Q: Is there anywhere on-post that lends out basic household goods to people still waiting for their shipments to arrive?
A: Yes, you can go to the Lending Closet for that. More information on where and what that is on page 15.
Make sure to watch this space, as we will have more tips on here next week!