USAG Stuttgart Housing & Community Town Hall Recap, June 27, 2019, Robinson Barracks
Compiled by Holly DeCarlo-White, USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Office
Community members gathered online and in-person at the Robinson Barracks Chapel to participate in the second Housing Community Town Hall of the year, June 27.
Despite the heat wave in Stuttgart, approximately 50 people arrived to the non-air conditioned chapel to engage with the U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart Commander, Col. Neal A. Corson, and representatives from the Directorate of Public Works (DPW) and Housing office, Directorate of Emergency Services (DES), Family & Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) and Child & Youth Services (CYS), and the Commissary. The meeting was also available to watch and comment live through the garrison Facebook page (watch the video).
See Feb. 26, 2019 Patch Barracks Town Hall Recap
The next Town Hall is scheduled at the Panzer Chapel, Sept. 23 at 6:30 p.m. Questions can be submitted to the Public Affairs Office email or via the Feedback button on the USAG Stuttgart mobile app.
Directorate of Public Works (DPW) & Housing
Q: Key cards to Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (UPH, Barracks) expiration is every year and hours/process to have keys replaced is not efficient if key card stops functioning after hours.
Monthly reports will be compiled so residents will be aware of key card expiration in advance and can make an appointment on Panzer Kaserne to renew UPH access.
Q: Clearing storage areas, and public areas including grills left behind, items left in stairwells etc. are a safety hazard and issue for current residents.
Garrison staff is prohibited from removing items from within housing areas/inside buildings. Residents should work with their building coordinator identify items that require removal/disposal in their building areas and contact DPW Installation Coordinators for pick-up. Bulk items can also be placed outside on the curb for DPW pickup (not in dumpsters!). Contact the IC.
Q: Will vents be cleaned as part of the regular installment process each time new dryers are delivered?
The Installation Maintenance Contractor is developing schedule that provide dryer vent cleaning services for each building on an annual basis. Additionally, as apartments are terminated, the contractor will also clean the dryer vent prior to the next resident’s move in.
Q: When are carpets replaced in housing and how do I request a replacement?
The lifecycle for carpeting in housing is 7 years. Contact the Housing Division to schedule an assessment.
Q: Vehicles are often passing duty and school buses on-post. How do I report it? (DES & DPW issue)
Capture a photo or send the vehicle details and information to the Report to MP button on the USAG Stuttgart mobile app. While it is not possible for an MP to ticket a German driver, reports and patterns of behavior within a particular company or contractor can be established and enforced through German channels with proper reporting.
DPW will communicate to construction and project contractors not to have vehicles pass moving busses or pass busses stopped at a bus stop. As this is a U.S. only driving rule, DPW will reinforce this rule on-post with Local National staff throughout the garrison areas.
Q: Panzer Visitor Center (front gate building) doors are slamming too quickly and it may be a safety issue.
DPW has initiated a Service Order to assess the door and correct this.
Q: If possible install water spigot at RB Dog Park? There is no water available for pets.
A project work order has been initiated to assess the feasibility and if possible to install.
Q: There are no grill pads on RB, can this be addressed? When?
Housing is currently assessing the need for grill throughout RB (and in the other housing areas) and will submit projects to provide grill pads where needed.
Q: What are the security cameras in the 300 area?
These cameras are old and not in use. Removal will be scheduled of these non-operational security cameras in the 300 area on RB.
Q: Why are cars allowed to park outside the fence line off-post? (Bldgs. 306/307)
The garrison will look at this area to determine risk. While we do not own/control off-post land, we can mitigate risks by raising the fence etc. DPW will assess and provide an update.
Q: Contractors are using housing outdoor patios for smoke breaks. How can this be stopped/reported?
DPW will remind contractors that apartment building patios are not approved locations for smoke breaks.
DES advises community members if they see an issue occurring with contracts, take a photo of the person or vehicle and submit it to them with details of the offense to the Report to MP button on the USAG Stuttgart mobile app.
Q: Smoking on the balconies per the resident handbook is allowed, however, it also states that it is not allowed in outdoor areas below windows of buildings where smoke may drift into quarters and is prohibited within 50 feet of the building. Please clarify.
Smoking is legal on personal balconies IAW Garrison Policy. Outside of buildings where property is shared, smoking is prohibited within 50 feet. Residents are asked to communicate with their neighbors and building coordinators to resolve any issues regarding personnel smoking on balconies.
Q: Dissatisfaction with the current maintenance contractor, its work processes/ procedures, and the timeliness of work completion.
Stuttgart has reviewed the standards for priority 1, 2, 3, and life, health safety work orders and reinforced the standards with staff personnel. Work receptionists determine priorities based on contract standard procedural questions. Residents are encouraged to use of the ICE system if customers aren’t satisfied with response times or need issues elevated.
Q: Residents are concerned about not being able to have deadbolts installed.
German manufactured fire doors are specially made to contain fires and keep them from spreading and any modification to the fire doors would affect its function. Therefore deadbolts are not authorized with the current door models used.
Q: Water quality – is it safe?
Yes. Water quality is tested monthly by the U.S. Army Medical Command, which also does an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-like annual testing. German water suppliers provide comprehensive annual testing and water quality testing certification. Legionella testing last year detected a few instances of the bacteria, which were not present during retesting. FY19 testing has determined the water is still safe for consumption
Q: How do on-post residents request an item from Self Help be delivered to an installation if it is not available onsite and we are not able to get to the Patch Self Help location during business hours?
Residents can request Self Help material orders (SHIP) by calling the Service Order Desk at 0711-729-6200 or on line by visiting In order to process your request on time, when submitting your SHIP order online, add “SHIP Materials for RB”, after you enter your building number:
Example when you reside in building 103:
Building: 103 – SHIP Materials for RB”
Additional DPW Due Outs
DPW is reviewing options for the following resident feedback: gaining resident input on playground projects, shade and benches at play grounds, and a working group for community input.
S-3/5/7 (Plans, Training, Operations: Emergency Management)
Q: What is plan for RB if there was an emergency? How would residents know about it?
In addition to the garrison Facebook, everyone is encouraged to register for the DoD emergency notification system. Read the details for the new Alert! system.
Also see fire response times.
Directorate of Emergency Services
Q: Can the garrison revisit the intended location of the 2nd pedestrian gate that is going to be installed and move it down more so if the power on one gate goes out, it won’t impact both gates? Or move it to be by the back gate location on RB?
USAG Stuttgart DES will explore other possible locations for the second planned Enhanced Security Pedestrian Gate (ESPG) but a change in location could result in additional installation delays due to the lack of fiber optic connectivity across Robinson Barracks.
Q: How do I report a vehicle parked in my space?
Parking complaints are 100% DES/MP problem to solve. Housing gives the spots, DES makes sure that people are parking in the right spots. Use the Report to MP button on the USAG Stuttgart mobile app to send the details or a photo of the improperly parked or speeding vehicle so the Military Police can track and enforce.
Q: A streamlined Installation Access pass process is needed between the garrison and Medical Command. There are ongoing issue and delays or lack of response in obtaining therapist access.
DES will connect with MEDCOM to ensure installation passes are completed for the next calendar year.
Read more about community installation access sign in.
Q: Can RB get a flashing lights/speed display to deter speeding?
Yes, DES has a limited number they rotate between installations. Rotation to RB will increase.
Qa: How/who makes the determination to close a service facility or stop work in high heat conditions? Qb: Is it AAFES or the individual vendor at AAFES facilities (Hunt Brothers, Starbucks etc.)?
The Exchange and DPW are fully engaged with correcting the situation. Some systems that were not functioning have been corrected and DPW has identified some other system elements that need replacements. DPW is working toward a contract to complete that work. However, due to the complexity of the system it will take some time before the HVAC is fully operational. The following are the guidelines for the Exchange direct and concession activities when it comes to heat prevention injury:
Exchange heat injury prevention protocol:
For the well-being of our associates, customers, and to prevent damage to equipment, facility managers should take and document temperature readings at 1000, 1300 and 1600 in a location within the facility near the center of the sales area and at shoulder height. Follow below procedures once inside store temperatures consistently reaches:
- 24 C / 75 F:at Express/ facilities with Island Coolers: Shut down island coolers to prevent failure. Move the chilled product to an alternate location such as the Deli Express coolers.
- 26 C / 79 F: at all facilities: Start implementing all health protective measures listed under 1 through 9 below.
- 30 C / 86 F: at worksites without A/C: Heat generating equipment will be shut off.
- 35 C / 95 F: Associates will be moved to work at a cooler location to reduce the risk from serious heat illnesses.
- If a facility reaches the 30 C / 86 F, the facility manager will immediately contact the GM to coordinate closure or temp shut down of certain services. The GM will then notify the region leadership.
Q: As this issue is reoccurring each summer, what is the status of repairing the AC in the Exchange building?
DPW has reset some systems that were not functioning, and identified some system elements that need replacements. Working toward a contract to complete that work. The very hot summer temperatures are making it hard for the systems to keep up. A work order is in place.
Directorate of Family & MWR
Qa: How do I put my name in for interest in before/after school care? Parent Central Services says it’s not offered. Qb: How does CYS track interest in care options/times that currently aren’t offered but could be if interest is high enough?
CYS has added a sign up waitlist for before-school care on Military Child Care online registration ( Registration and deposits must be completed by a minimum of 15 participants in order for a new care program to begin.
After school care is available currently, contact Parent Central Services for information at
Qc: Can extended childcare be offered during mission partner scheduled exercises?
MWR is assessing the need.
Q: Are the tennis courts going to be fixed by the elementary school on RB?
MWR and DPW are submitting a work order.
Q: What is the status of Wi-Fi and 24/7 access at the RB Gym?
MWR is looking at the next Fiscal Year to allocate funds for RB Wi-Fi and 24/7 fitness center access.
Q: The RB gym and installation as a whole lacks activities for teens.
MWR will review the possibility of adding free weights and pull up bars along the trail on RB.
Q: Can we use the school basketball court or playgrounds?
No, (see past Town Hall recaps) the basketball courts and playgrounds are DODEA property and not available for community use.
Q: Can a paper sign in sheet be placed at RB fitness center when the swipe-in computer is down to better track usage?
Yes, MWR confirmed to add a paper sign in as well.
Logistics Readiness Center
Q: Can there be more than one direct bus from RB to Kelley?
The garrison is working on mechanism with mission partners to fund and increase routes.
Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA)
Q: Expired items remain an issue.
The commissary accepts returns and issues refunds or replacements of expired or stale items. Once reported by the customer, the commissary immediately reviews the stock and removes any items as well as reports findings to the vendor (see past Town Hall recaps).