First day of school transportation advisory


Information from DoDEA

Dear Parents,

Many of you have recently registered your students in our schools, including at the transportation office.  We understand some of our newest families do not have bus passes for the school year and are concerned about ridership on Monday morning.

Students eligible for bus transportation can and should show up to their assigned bus stops on the first day of school, regardless of whether they have their bus pass in hand.

Drivers will have lists of pre-registered students in order to validate riders. Students who are not on the list will still be transported to school, but must write their name down or show a school ID to ensure they get their pass.

If you do not have a bus pass, your student(s) will be allowed to ride the bus in the AM or PM.

If you are unsure of your pick-up/drop-off location, please transport your student to school on Monday and call 07031-15-4000 (option 4) for Stuttgart ES and Stuttgart HS.  For Patch ES, Patch MS, and Robinson Barracks ES call 0711-680-7191 ext. 4090, or email the bus office at

We look forward to continuing our collaboration with you to ensure all students have an amazing school year in the Stuttgart Complex. We encourage you to contact us if there are any questions or needs that you or your student may have. We are here to support.

Important Resources: