Story by Megan Brown
Special to the Citizen
Editor’s Note: Megan Brown is a Stuttgart High School career practicum intern for the USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Office.
This year was a new beginning: The era of Stuttgart High School, and the SHS Panthers were nothing short of extraordinary. The first graduating class has left a legacy that will be remembered for years to come.
In the short time Stuttgart High School has existed, the Panthers have taken home five European Championships, dominated events such as Future Business Leaders of America and Drama Fest, and enjoyed new classes like Culinary Arts. This year, students shouted themselves hoarse at the Friday Night Lights football game, proved their talent in the Spring Follies, exhibited their artistic skill in a decorative art show, dissected sharks in state of the art classrooms, and conducted physics experiments at fest.
New facilities also proved a welcome change to the students, as the new school’s cafeteria provided the Drama Department with a stage for their exciting production of Clue, a dinner theater, courtesy of Culinary Arts, and thrill for all in attendance. The resource center is now a brightly lit area for students to study, research, and chat, and still boasts a treasure trove of reading material. Other new facilities include an auditorium, weight room, and a rock garden.
New traditions are already in the works. This year, the parents of the graduating class of 2016 put on a special senior night which provided food and drinks in an Oscar theme, accompanied by an award ceremony for seniors.
Meghan Nemeth, a senior new to the Stuttgart community this year, “enjoyed being a part of the first graduating class,” exclaiming her favorite part of the year was “ spending time participating in school events like drama and track and field”.
A new chapter has unfolded, as the class 2016 heads to different parts of the world, they have left a legacy.