The New Year is here and that means New Year’s resolutions are plentiful.
The top New Year’s resolutions always seem to include trying to lose weight or starting an exercise program. However, studies show that 97 percent of the people who make resolutions are not able to keep them.
One solution to keep from breaking a New Year’s resolution is to refrain from making one. At least, not until the excitement of the holidays and getting back to work wears off. It is also important to realistically assess personal goals.
In U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart, February may be a much better time to make New Year’s resolutions, especially those pertaining to weight loss and/or exercise, since the month marks the start of the Civilian Fitness Program.
This six-month program was created to help civilians keep their weight loss and/or exercise goals.
“Get Fit with Civilian Fitness” is designed to help civilians employed by the U.S. Army increase their overall health and well-being. The program begins with an initial health assessment that includes blood pressure and resting heart rate checks; body fat percent, height, weight and body composition measurements, and cardio-respiratory recovery and flexibility.
A personal trainer will review the fitness testing assessment results with each participant, and then map out an individualized fitness plan catered toward their goals.
Throughout the six month program, participants will receive weekly e-mails to educate and motivate them during their journey to optimal health. At the end of the program, they will receive a post-assessment, which is compared to the initial assessment, to see how much their health improved and to reassess their focus and goals.
To help fight excuses some civilians may have, such as not having enough time or not having a place to go, the program can be conducted during work hours at an installation fitness center.
Commanders and supervisors may authorize three one-hour exercise sessions per week for a total of 78 hours during the consecutive six-month period. Civilians can take the “Get Fit with Civilian Fitness” challenge and discuss options with their supervisor, such as flex time, that will give them more opportunities to meet their health goals.
Although active duty personnel may not participate in the Civilian Fitness Program, they may team up with a civilian. Working toward better health with a buddy can be more fun, and studies show that people are more successful in reaching their fitness goals when they team up with someone else.
For information on the program or for an application, visit https://phc.amedd.army.mil/topics/healthyliving/al/Pages/ArmyCivilianWellnessPrograms.aspx.