GAZPROM World Cup of Rhythmic Gymnastics

gym weltc-2014 logo dStuttgart, the German and the Swabian Gymnastics Federations are proud to welcome the best gymnasts of the world in Stuttgart – in the hear t of Europe – for this high-level event.

The GAZPROM World Cup will be held in the Porsche-Arena Stuttgart which will be as well the competition venue for the World Championships in 2015. To ensure the success of their operations, organizers have come up with an entirely new approach to Rhythmic Gymnastics: their goal is to create a connection between the discipline of Rhythmic Gymnastics and the people of Stuttgart, thereby growing interest in the competition.

“As a sort of kick-off event to connect the public with Rhythmic, we will be hosting the Gazprom Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup at the Porsche Arena on March 21-23.

DRUCK_DIN A4 Anzeige Gymnastik Weltcup Jana-JanaThat will give the town its fi rst taste of Rhythmic and bring the motto ‘Enjoy your rhythm’ to life,” explained Wolfgang Drexler, president of the Swabian Gymnastics Federation.

The current DTB gymnasts of the national center in Fellbach- Schmiden are also enthusiastic. Laura Jung said: “For us as Germany’s Rhythmic Gymnastics national team this is a big deal. It won’t happen again soon to have two international highlights succeeding each other in a relatively short time only a few kilometers away from our training hall. We are very motivated and hope for the support of many fans.”

RSG_Gruppe_Bearbeitet_smallFrom the U.S. there will be participating at the GAZPROM World Cup of Rhythmic Gymnastics the national team and two single-competitors.

If you want to get a taste of world class rhythmic gymnastics now you can try your luck here.

We have a SPECIAL OFFER for all our The Citizen readers:

Use the catchword “USA rhythmic gymnastics” to get a 10% discount on ticket-orders via telephone
(0711 28077 288) and email (

Fri, March 21:
Podium training

Sat, March 22:
1:00 – 5:45 p.m. Qualifying Individuals and All-Around single
7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Qualifi ying Team and All-Around team

Sun, March 23:
12:00 – 3:00 p.m. Finals Individuals and Group
4:30 – 6:00 p.m. Winners-show “enjoy your rhythm”

For further information:

We raffle 5 x 2 tickets for the GAZPROM

World Cup of Rhythmic Gymnastics for Saturday (7 – 9 p.m., Qualifying Team and All-Around team).
Just write your contact details and the catchword “USA rhythmic gymnastics” via email till March 14, 2014 to

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