USAG Stuttgart to place new water treatment plant in service

Photo of the new water treatment system at Panzer Kaserne.
USAG Stuttgart engineers will bring a new water treatment system online this Tuesday (June 25) for residents of Army Family Housing at Panzer Kaserne. Officials advise that changes in water pressure may occur over the next few days. Residents who notice anything unusual should submit a ticket through ArMA, the Army Maintenance Application. (USAG Stuttgart DPW photo)


USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Office

U.S. Army Garrison (USAG) Stuttgart staff will place a new water treatment system in service this week at Panzer Kaserne.

Florian Luttenberger, an engineer with the garrison’s Directorate of Public Works (DPW) says the new system is expected to come on line starting Tuesday, June 25 for people living in the family housing area of Panzer Kaserne.

“The system was installed because the existing system had come to its end of life,” said Luttenberger.  “Pre-tests of water treatment equipment, pumps, and automation systems were conducted earlier in June.  All tests were successful and we are ready to move forward.”

Luttenberger says residents in Panzer housing may notice changes in water pressure over the next week while the new system comes on line.  He also advises that residents should report any usual changes beyond pressure fluctuations to the DPW/Centerra Helpdesk or submit a ticket through the Army Maintenance Application (ArMA) online at