Local news translated – May 7, 2024

Graphic by U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart Public Affairs Office

Host Nation Update, May 7, 2024

These are the rules for traffic and security during the European Championships in Stuttgart – Car-free zone and video surveillance

“The whole city is to become a stadium”. To ensure that the state capital’s European Championship motto will be a success, the city administration and police have presented their security and traffic concept for the city center.
The European Football Championship, the world’s largest and most popular sporting event this year after the Olympic Games in Paris, begins on June 14. Approximately ten million soccer fans are expected in Germany, especially in the ten host cities. And they are not just coming from Europe. “China is in seventh place in terms of advance ticket bookings,” says Thomas Pollak, overall project manager of UEFA Euro 2024 Host City Stuttgart. Together with the police and the city administration, he presented the mobility concept for the four weeks from June 14 to July 14.

Between 100,000 and 200,000 visitors are expected over the five days of matches in the Stuttgart Arena, depending on the participating nation. “The Scots alone want to come to Stuttgart with up to 100,000 fans,” says Thomas Pollack. As far as Hungary, Ukraine, Belgium, Denmark and Slovenia are concerned, there are no reliable figures.

The organization of such a major international event requires important measures, particularly in regards to traffic and security. This is why the Host City Stuttgart project team and the security authorities of the city of Stuttgart have developed a comprehensive traffic concept for the four weeks of the European Championships. Their goal is to have: “As much security as necessary and as much mobility as possible,” says Police Chief Markus Eisenbraun. The police have been dealing with these issues, which represent a “major challenge”, for one and a half years.

There are no specific threat scenarios for the Stuttgart location. However, “cyber-attacks or even an abstract threat of terrorism – but the Stuttgart police are well equipped for the European Championships.”

It goes without saying that a correspondingly large number of officers will be present in the city. But without technical support, it is simply not possible. “We are planning extended video surveillance at hot spots,” says the police chief. Schlossplatz is set, but further video surveillance is planned for places where large numbers of people gather.

Where so many people come together, we need clear rules and functioning safety precautions,” says Clemens Maier, Mayor for Safety, Order and Sport. But during the weeks of the European Championships, these will entail “certain restrictions”. Especially for residents within the City Ring. “The city has approved a phased concept that differentiates between match days in Stuttgart, match days with public viewing and match-free days,” says Susanne Scherz, Head of the Office for Public Order.


City center divided into two zones

The area within the city ring has been divided into two zones: the event area with Schlossplatz, Karlsplatz, Schillerplatz and Marktplatz. This is where most people will be – especially on the five match days. This area will be virtually a car-free zone, which is why three underground car parks (at Schlossplatz, Schillerplatz and Neue Brücke) with a total of 400 parking spaces will remain closed for four weeks. Deliveries are possible on all days until 10.30 am. Exits will be possible until 11 a.m. at the latest and from around midnight after the end of the event.

There is also the security zone, which covers the city area within the City Ring. Here, the parking garages and underground parking lots are largely open – except for the five days with matches in the arena. Then the Königsbau Passage underground garage, the Marquardt Garage and the Königshof parking lot as well as the Bülow Carré underground garage and the Kaufhof parking garage will also be closed. “Despite the closures and restrictions, there are still a good 10,000 parking spaces in the Cityring area,” says the head of the public order office.
During this time, the city recommends relying primarily on local public transport in the city center. Buses and trains should run more frequently to serve the larger crowds. Deutsche Bahn and Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG want to present their public transport concept for the EM weeks in detail at the end of May.

Traffic concept for Bad Cannstatt

Traffic-free zones will be set up in Neckarpark on the respective match days. On the day before the match, the security zone around the Arena Stuttgart will be extended across Mercedesstraße to include the stadium, Fritz-Walter-Weg, the P1 multi-storey parking lot and the immediately adjacent areas.

Structural safety measures

A traffic-free zone will also be set up around eight hours before the start of the match. For this purpose, the structural safety measures around the stadium will be activated. Mercedesstraße will be fully closed between the Talstraße junction and the Mercedesstraße/Martin-Schrenk-Weg/Mercedes-Jellinek-Straße traffic circle.


Traffic-free zones
Approximately seven hours before kick-off, this traffic-free zone will be extended to the roads and access routes to the stadium. Mercedesstraße from König-Karls-Brücke, Kegelenstraße and Elwertstraße will be fully closed. If there are large numbers of fans, Daimlerstraße will also be closed approximately four hours before the start of the match.


Protection concept
Protection concepts for local residents are being developed for the Veielbrunnen district and for Stuttgart East. Access bans are intended to prevent people searching for parking spaces and ensure the passage of rescue and emergency vehicles. (Stgt Nachrichten, May 7, 2024)


Traffic between Böblingen and Dagersheim

This A 81 bridge will soon have again four lanes

The final work on the bridge is now finally due, which is why Calwer Straße/Böblinger Straße will have to be closed for another two days (but NOT the Autobahn). From Friday, May 10, at 6 a.m. until probably Saturday, May 11, at 10 p.m., the district road 1073 between the so-called Plana junction and the Daimler junction will be closed. After that, the four lanes should be free: “It is expected that the K 1073 will be open to traffic in the bridge area following this closure,” says press spokeswoman Pia Verheyen from the project company Deges. “In addition to the two lanes in each direction, this includes the cycle path and footpath on the eastern side of the bridge.”  The detour is signposted via the Hulb. The footpath and cycle path will remain usable.  (SN, May 7, 24)