Month of the Military Child Poem: I am a military child

By Brandon Cruz
Patch Middle School 

To be a military-connected child means a lot to me. I believe that it gives me the opportunity to experience and explore new places around the world. I can also understand new cultures being a military-connected child. I can learn to adapt to new things and changes quicker, and this will help me in my future significantly. Being a military connected child has many benefits but that does not mean that it has no flaws. With all the moving you can lose some good friends and can feel sad at times. There can also be some culture shock involved when you move to new countries and can be subjected to undergo a large amount of stress. But, these flaws go away quickly and life goes back to normal. In conclusion, to be a military-connected child can be the worst thing it the world, but it can also be the best thing to ever happen.


Moving from place to place

Here and there, I am from everywhere

Sometimes its tough when you’re the new kid on the block.

You lose some good friends.

You miss some good places.

Then you get there….you look everywhere.

You find some good friends; it’s a nice place to be.

Its going to take a while but you’re standing strong.

There is nothing wrong.

I am a military child.

Editor’s note: Essays and drawings from students across the Stuttgart military community are submitted to the School Liaison Office each March and published throughout the month of April on The Citizen, at the Panzer Main Exchange and read aloud on AFN Stuttgart radio to celebrate our military children in Stuttgart.