Commissary now offers in-store Wi-Fi

commissaryThe Patch and Panzer Commissaries are now offering in-store Wi-Fi access for patrons effective Jan 5.

Through its Commissary Patron Internet Mobile System, or CPIMS, the Defense Commissary Agency opened customer Wi-Fi access initially in all stateside commissaries and now it is being rolled out in the overseas area.

“Many of our patrons come to the commissary with their smart phones and tablets, and store Wi-Fi will help them maximize their commissary benefit,” said Ms. Luana Harris, Store Director “There’s a lot of valuable shopping information on such as digital coupons for the Commissary Rewards Card, our sales flyer, the savings aisle for access to promotional prices and much, much more.”
• Anyone in the store can access the free Wi-Fi from the sales floor area
• Prior to accessing the store’s free Wi-Fi, one must accept Defense Commissary Agency’s “terms of Service” agreement
• Patrons with questions about accessing Wi-Fi should contact the store’s customer service representative.